We know the importance of finding a therapist that best suits your needs.

Your Practitioner

Rachael Stiles, Cert, Dip



Rachael has been a qualified registered practitioner, since 1995. She holds all current professional association registrations and public liability and professional indemnity insurances.

Massage Therapies

Rachael commenced her massage therapy studies in 1995 at the Qld School of Massage on the Gold Coast. Since that time has trained in a range of massage and healing styles, such as Sports and Remedial massage, Swedish, Relaxation and Lymphatic Drainage massage. Connective Tissue Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Chakra -Puncture.

With 28 years as a registered practitioner Rachael has over 30,000 hours of hands on treatments. Has mastered the art of working with the body in a way to support healing and an overall improved state of health and wellbeing.

Rachael holds a professional membership with the Massage & Myotherapy Association of Australia.

Specialised Bodywork & Energetic Healing

In addition to, and complementary to massage therapy, Rachael is trained in Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Chakra Puncture and Energetic Facial release Massage. These energetic healing modalities are complementary to modern medicine and work alongside other massage modalities, or can be a standalone treatment.

These treatments are a gentle approach to hands on body work and healing.

Rachael holds a professional membership with the EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association of Australia)

Life Coaching

Rachael’s gentle and caring nature, together with her 10 years of Case Management experience, supports a very practical and holistic approach to her coaching sessions. Offering support in a range of areas to cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced healthy life.

Rachael supports others to set and achieve personal or professional goals, fostering self-discovery, motivation, and accountability for positive transformation, and enhanced self awareness and well-being.

Get started with In Style Massage, today.